After an extensive search the CIC has appointed Dr. Josephine Tsang as the new executive director of the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC)

Avid female scientist. Dedicated champion of social equity, sustainability, collaborative community builder. Passionate innovation leader. With over two decades of experience in industry, academia, private and public sectors, Dr. Josephine Tsang is beyond thrilled to be joining the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) as Executive Director on February 1st, 2022.

Josephine is passionate about helping Canadians make everyday life better through science. Her experience in industry allows her to appreciate how collaborations amongst and across sectors are valuable to the community. By helping her local science centre communicate and engage the public empathetically about the climate emergency, she mobilized local citizens to take an active role in climate actions. As an adjunct faculty member, she instilled values and beliefs in our future leaders that STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) are keys to unlocking an equitable and a sustainable future.

Josephine believes in building a more resilient, inclusive yet pragmatic future. She led a social services charity through a strategic transformation, redesigned its operational and service delivery model, and reframed its strategic impact, all in the midst of COVID. A proud founder of ChangentYYC (an accessible youth experience), she empowered diverse participants to all be change agents in their daily lives.

Josephine holds a Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry from Queen’s University. Her past R&D projects included characterizing prion proteins, patenting novel methods for destroying chemical warfare agents, overseeing the development of unconventional oil recovery applications, and advocating for innovative practices in managing fertilizer impacts in soil and groundwater.

Josephine is an eager builder of engaged communities. She advises on PHAC’s National Vaccine Confidence Advisory Council, Queen’s Faculty of Arts and Science’s Dean’s Council, Institute for Community Prosperity’s Measuring What Matters, Vivo for Healthier Generations, and Centre for Suicide Prevention. She works with the board for Science & Technology Awareness Network (STAN). Through her involvement with Social Venture Partners Calgary, Josephine helps local non-profits build their capacity to thrive and grow their impact. One will find Josephine and her husband engaging in community work, traveling or spending quality time with their extraordinary nieces and nephew.

A word from Dr. Tsang

Chemistry was truly my first real love! I am humbled and beyond ecstatic to have the opportunity to strengthen collaboration between such dynamic communities of chemical professionals and build new meaningful relationships. The CIC and its members have a lot to offer to Canada’s future! I am ready to roll up my sleeves and work alongside the national team, the Board, current and future CIC members to enhance inclusion and connection to society. Thank you for welcoming me to the CIC family and the broader chemical community.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Josephine Tsang to the CIC, and pay attention to the CIC News for more from our new Executive Director in the future.