Membership designations NEW
Take the lead in Canada’s thriving chemical science,
and engineering community. Come Together at the CIC.
Use the following designations with pride to identify yourself as a member of Canada’s thriving chemical science professional community!
Member of the Chemical Institute of Canada (MCIC)
A chemical science professional who meets the requirements of membership and is in good standing of a CIC society uses the MCIC designation.
Recognition of Members as Fellows of the Chemical Institute of Canada (FCIC)
Fellowship is an esteemed level of recognition for a full member who have made outstanding contributions to the chemical sciences and engineering profession.
Fellowship is awarded through a nomination and peer reviewed process. Learn more.
Recognition of Members as Honourary Fellows of the Chemical Institute of Canada (HFCIC)
Honourary fellowships identify chemical professionals whose work is significant to the chemical sciences and engineering and who may not currently be a member of one of the societies of the CIC.
Honourary fellows of the CIC and lifetime achievement award winners can use the designation of HFCIC.
Lifetime achievement awards identify chemical professionals whose work is significant to the chemical sciences and engineering and who are members of the societies of the CIC.
Take the lead in Canada’s thriving chemical science, and engineering community.