Meet the National Office Team: Julia Le


Julia Le joined the CIC National Team in the newly created role of Business Development Specialist. This role focuses on creating and maintaining partnership relationships, while implementing new systems to improve processes, and revenue generation through grant writing and sponsorship proposals.


Iryna Torrance has been selected by the CIC as the new Director, Finance and Business Services


The Chemical Institute of Canada is thrilled to introduce Iryna Torrance as the new Director of Finance and Business Services. Bringing a wealth of experience and a fresh, innovative perspective, Iryna is a perfect addition to the National Team. Iryna Torrance is a seasoned CPA, CA, Macc, and MBA with many years in Finance. For the past 12+ years she held executive and senior finance management roles in Not-for-Profit, Diamond Mining, Manufacturing, and Refrigeration sectors.


CSC 2024 Conference Recap

CIC Executive Director, Dr. Josephine Tsang's recap of CSC 2024, which The Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, from Jun. 2 - 6 under the theme The Central Science. CSC 2024 conference highlights include the Transitions Program, the first CIC National Career Fair, and programming on EDI and sustainability.


Pride in the CIC: A new Member Resource Group for 2SLGBTQ+ Chemists, Chemical Technologists and Chemical Engineers

Building on the energy of various 2SLGBTQ+-related events, and the support of over 40 signed-up CIC members, the Pride Member Resource Group was officially established in January 2024.  The purpose of the MRG is to advance the rights of CIC members who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ by promoting inclusion, equity and diversity within the chemical sciences.