The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

The premier journal of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, published in partnership with Wiley.
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (CJCE) publishes high quality original research articles, new theoretical interpretation or experimental findings, and critical reviews in the science or industrial practice of chemical and biochemical processes.

CJCE presents its latest virtual issue:
The Global Scope of Process Safety Research

In this virtual issue, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (CJCE) features recently published articles (2023 and 2024) from the special series on process safety. The theme of the special series, The Global Scope of Process Safety Research, is exemplified by the experimental and computational research described in these 12 papers drawn from the Americas, Asia, and Europe.

We hope you will enjoy reading about your colleagues’ efforts aimed at making the chemical process industries a safer environment for both workers and the public. Please also watch for further papers in the special series, which will appear in separate issues of the journal over the coming months.

Paul Amyotte, Dalhousie University

Guest Editor, Process Safety Special Series
CJCE Associate Editor

To learn about publishing open access with CJCE, the benefits of publishing open access, and details about transformational agreements, check out this playlist containing responses to frequently asked questions on these topics.

Call for Papers

CSChE-IIChE Symposia on Biofuels, Biochemicals, and Biomaterials

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (CJCE) is pleased to be publishing an upcoming special issue organized by guest editors Prof. Ajay K. Dalai (University of Saskatchewan, Canada), Prof. Sonil Nanda (Dalhousie University, Canada), and Prof. Prasenjit Mondal (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India) comprising a selection of invited papers from the Indo-Canadian International Symposia jointly organized by the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE) and the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE). This special issue will feature invited papers presented at the CHEMCON-2022 conference in Kanpur, India (December 27-30, 2022); CSChE-2023 conference in Calgary, Canada (October 29-November 1, 2023); and CHEMCON-2023 conference in Kolkata, India (December 27-30, 2023), including the upcoming CSChE 2024 conference in Toronto, Canada (October 6-9, 2024).

This special issue will recognize the partnership between CSChE and IIChE and showcase outstanding research and development by international scholars working in the areas of green fuels, chemicals and materials production, and clean technologies that deploy innovative catalytic, biocatalytic, and advanced reaction routes.

Key Dates

September 1, 2024
(submission portal opens)

February 1, 2025
(submission portal closes)