Rising hopes for rare isotopes
Even to an untrained eye, the difference between two positron emission tomography...
Read More >>Even to an untrained eye, the difference between two positron emission tomography...
Read More >>Start-ups founded in chemistry technologies often face unique challenges on their route to commercialization. Though there are a growing number of resources where entrepreneurs can find funding and management support...
Read More >>These initial months serving you as Executive Director of the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) have been enlightening, engaging, and fulfilling. They have been about studying, learning, and listening, followed by integrating and connecting...
Read More >>Emily Moore graduated from Queen’s University’s engineering chemistry program, then won a Rhodes Scholarship and subsequently completed her doctorate in physical chemistry at the University of Oxford. She worked for Xerox Canada and is currently Managing Director...
Read More >>For Trudy Lionel, who recently retired after a successful and satisfying career in the chemical sciences, the most promising way to augment that experience has been the prospect of helping others start their own career in the field.
Read More >>The development of materials for next-generation lithium batteries keeps attracting serious attention from a plethora of researchers around the globe. Although there are a number of research initiatives at the moment, the big...
Read More >>Infants born prematurely face a variety of challenges to their survival, starting with the simple act of breathing. It has taken medical researchers decades to understand and address a deficiency that compromises...
Read More >>The prospect of losing a tooth is never pleasant, but modern dentistry continues to make the problem more manageable. Over the last decade the field has been transformed by implant technology, which inserts a replacement tooth...