CSC President's Event
Monday, Jun. 3
12:40 - 1:45 PM CT
Location: Pan Am Room
CSC President’s Event: Enhancing Accessibility to AI Competencies in Chemistry
The CSC President’s Event at CSC 2024 in Winnipeg will be held on Monday, Jun. 3, from 12:40 – 1:45 PM CT. This luncheon event is open to all CSC 2024 delegates and pre-registration is required. Lunch will be provided on a first come, first served basis.
The CSC President’s Event is a one-hour networking luncheon featuring a panel discussion on “Enhancing Accessibility to AI Competencies in Chemistry.”
The panelists will explore how and why to foster accessibility to AI competencies for the study and research of chemistry across Canada.
Accessibility to AI competencies–especially for academic and industrial endeavors–can be bolstered through the pursuit of several strategic initiatives, which may include the development of educational programs, and crafting tailored curricula at universities that introduce or intensify course offerings in AI and chemistry. Encouraging the utilization of open-source AI tools specific to chemistry research can also be vital. Forging partnerships across academia, government bodies, and industry stakeholders can facilitate the identification of real-world challenges where AI solutions can be applied. Regulations around the use of AI can also be formulated in diverse chemistry fields. The President’s Event will delve into the various ways AI can enhance the understanding and practicability of chemistry.

ChemiSTEAM - Putting the A(rt) in STEM
Organizers/Curators: Louise Dawe, Wilfrid Laurier University (@LouiseDawe) Brian Wagner, University of Prince Edward Island (@DrummerBoy2112) Vance Williams, Simon Fraser University (@vancew)
As Chemists, we often focus on the practical utility of our discipline. Beyond being merely useful, chemistry can also be beautiful. To celebrate the beauty of the chemical world, the CSC 2024 Conference will feature a juried exhibition of original chemistry-inspired art. We welcome submissions, including both static (i.e., electronic images) and dynamic (i.e., gifs and short videos) works (in jpeg, png, or mp4. format) from all areas of chemistry, including images previously shared on social media. Send us photographs of experiments, computer-generated representations of theoretical concepts, reproductions of original paintings, or any other images that relate to the field. Winning submissions will be displayed throughout the conference for all delegates to view and discuss, with a public exhibition component as well.
Submissions: Submissions are welcomed for still images & short videos related to all areas of chemistry. Entries may include but are not limited to, photographs, experimental data, or computer-generated graphics. A limit of one submission per contestant will be considered.
Only electronic submissions will be considered. Images should be .jpeg, .jpg, or .png format and should be between 1 – 10 MB. Short video submissions should be in mp4. format. The submission should be accompanied by a short description (maximum 280 characters) that explains the subject of the submission and how it was obtained or generated. For entries in which the subject matter is original non-digital artwork (such as a 3-dimensional object), up to 3 images of the same object may be submitted for evaluation.
Eligibility: This contest is open to all members of the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC), Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC), or registered participants of Canadian Chemistry Conference 2024 (CSC 2024). Contestants must be 18 years or older. The contestant must be the creator of the image and must retain its copyright. Images/videos that have previously been submitted to another image/video contest or that have appeared in peer-reviewed publications are not eligible. Contestants are welcome to submit images that have previously been posted to social media sites.
Judging: Images will be judged by a jury of experts and will be evaluated based on their quality, creativity, and relevance to chemistry. Winning entries will be displayed at the 2024 Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (June 4-8) in Winnipeg. Please note that video submissions will be displayed as a static image with an accompanying URL to the video.
Contestants retain the rights to their submissions but grant the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) and its parent organization, the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC), a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to display, reproduce, and distribute images and videos submitted to this contest. The CSC reserves to right to modify submissions in order to optimize their appearance for display.