2024 is quickly coming to a close. Here is a special message from João B. P. Soares, CJCE’s Editor-in-Chief, reflecting on the past year.

As we approach the end of the year, I would like to thank our authors, reviewers, and readers for their support in 2024. The continuing growth of the CJCE is a testament to their confidence in our editorial team.

This year we had a record number of submissions from authors across the globe. You can get an idea of the breadth and scope of the articles published in the CJCE in two virtual special issues published in 2024: Resonating Research: Editors’ Picks, which collects articles selected by the editorial team that were published in 2023 and 2024 (a very hard task, considering the high level of articles submitted to our Journal), and 2024 in Review: Top Trending Articles, which includes 15 articles published in 2024 with the highest number of full-text views. I am also very proud of The Global Scope of Process Safety Research, a special article series in process safety research, which should be of interest to all chemical engineers.

In 2024 we also extended our connections with the community by creating our own CJCE LinkedIn page and by our continued engagement on CJCE’s X account. The CJCE staff was also present at the CSChE 2024 conference in Toronto to connect with our authors and readers. As part of our annual tradition, we also offered another successful Early Career Publishing Workshop, where we teach young researchers tips on how to write and submit successful articles.

Finally, following the current trend in open access publications, updates to Wiley’s transformational agreements led to authors from these Canadian institutions publishing in CJCE receiving partially or fully covered open access article publication charges. For more information, visit Wiley Author Services.

Thank you again for your support. I look forward to reading your outstanding articles in 2025.

João B. P. Soares

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering


There is also a final issue to explore in 2024! The December issue of CJCE features the Organic and Printed Electronics Special Issue Section as well as two new additions to the Process Safety Special Series

This month’s Editor’s Choice is the preface to the Organic and Printed Electronics Special Issue Section. In the preface, guest editor Benoît H. Lessard discusses the topics covered in this special issue section and the six articles it features: “Light weight, sustainable electronics with low manufacturing cost are critical for many emerging applications including wearable electronic sensors, consumer electronics, and low-cost power generation…This special section dedicated to organic and printed electronics looks at some of the Canadian research teams working towards this exciting field developing new understanding of organic photovoltaics for power generation and organic thin film transistors for operation of electronic devices.” Access this preface while it is free-to-read for a limited time as well as the new research featured in this special issue section.

Be sure to also take a look at the issue highlights from the December issue:

A new, currently free-to-read addition to the Process Safety Special Series: “Application of uncertainty quantification techniques in the framework of process safety studies: Advanced dispersion simulations” by Marco Bellegoni, Giulia Marroni, Alessandro Mariotti, Maria Vittoria Salvetti, Gabriele Landucci, and Chiara Galletti.

A new open access addition to the Process Safety Special Series: “Integrating process safety management into Canadian wood pellet facilities that generate combustible wood dust” by Kayleigh Rayner Brown, Bill Laturnus, Gordon Murray, Fahimeh Yazdanpanah, Chris Cloney, and Paul Amyotte.

And finally, an open access article titled “Desorption of rare earth elements biosorbed on Euglena mutabilis suspensions and biofilms” by Mitchell T. E. Zak, Nicolas A. R. Carunungan, Vladimiros G. Papangelakis, and D. Grant Allen.

Don’t forget: CJCE’s newest virtual issue is currently free-to-read: 2024 in Review: Top Trending Articles.  This virtual issue comprises 15 articles that have received the top number of views among all articles published in 2024. Be sure to access this issue and explore recent research on topics important to chemical engineers now.