This year’s CIC award recipients are:

Mark Lautens, University of Toronto, CIC Medal
Robert Prud’homme, Université de Montréal, Montreal Medal
Stan Skonieczny, University of Toronto, CIC Award for Chemical Education
Janusz Pawliszyn, University of Waterloo, Environment Division Research and Development Award
Yue Zhao, Université de Sherbrooke, Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award.

This year’s CSC award recipients are:

B. Mario Pinto, Simon Fraser University, Alfred Bader Award
Alex Adronov, McMaster University, Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry
William Lubell, Université de Montréal, Bernard Belleau Award
Zachary Hudson, University of Bristol, Canadian Council of University Chemistry Chairs (CCUCC) Chemistry Doctoral Award
Jillian Buriak, University of Alberta, Clara Benson Award
Lewis Kay, University of Toronto, E.W.R. Steacie Award
Jean-François Masson, Université de Montréal, Fred Beamish Award
Ronald P. Steer, University of Saskatchewan, John C. Polanyi Award
Roman Krems, Lakehead University, Keith Laidler Award
Pierre Harvey, Université de Sherbrooke, Rio Tinto Alcan Award
Marco Ciufolini, University of British Columbia, R. U. Lemieux Award
Mark MacLachlan, University of British Columbia, Strem Chemicals Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry
Aaron Wheeler, University of Toronto, W.A.E. McBryde Medal.