This past April, the Kuwait University Department of Chemistry awarded their graduates­ certificates of accreditation based upon standards set by the Canadian­ Society for Chemistry (CSC). The initiative to establish an international accreditation­ partnership was brought to fruition through the work of Jan Kwak, FCIC, professor emeritus at Dalhousie University and John McIntosh, FCIC, professor­ emeritus at the University of Windsor. Faiza Al-Kharafy, the past president of Kuwait University, as well as Douglas George, Canadian Ambassador to Kuwait, presided over the ceremony. The accreditation initiative provides universities in the Middle East the opportunity to benchmark their educational programs against the standards­ of leading Western institutions. International outreach with the CSC has also been established with BSc chemistry programs at0 United Arab Emirates­ University­, Qatar University, the American Univerity of Cairo, King Abdulaziz University­ (Saudi Arabia) and the University of Bahrain.