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Sponsored by Rio Tinto


The Rio Tinto Award is presented to a scientist who has made a distinguished contribution to the fields of inorganic chemistry or electrochemistry while working in Canada.

Deryn E. Fogg, FCIC
University of Ottawa

Deryn Fogg is Full Professor and University Research Chair at the University of Ottawa, and Professor II at the University of Bergen, Norway. After Ph.D. studies at UBC (Brian James) and postdoctoral research at MIT (Dick Schrock), she took up a faculty position at Ottawa in 1997. A major focus of her research is the interplay between mechanism, implementation, and catalyst design in olefin metathesis and tandem catalysis, and the deployment of new tools for insight in catalysis.

She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2014), the Royal Society of Chemistry (2013), and the CIC (2009), and was a Visiting Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford (2015). Other honours include Ontario’s Polanyi Prize in Chemistry, an NSERC Accelerator award, and the Strem Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry. She is Permanent Secretary of the International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC), a former Associate Editor of the leading American Chemical Society journal Organometallics, and serves on the Advisory Boards of the International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis (ISOM) and the International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC). From 2000-2009, she chaired “Bacon & Eggheads”, a breakfast lecture series for Canadian Parliamentarians that presents leading Canadian research with important implications for federal decision-makers.