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Sponsored by Canadian Light Source Inc., CIC Materials Chemistry Division and Western University, Department of Chemistry

The Canadian Light Source T.K. Sham Award is presented to an individual who has made a distinguished contribution to materials chemistry both in terms of research and mentoring while working in Canada.

Mary Anne White, O.C., FCIC
Dalhousie University

Mary Anne White, BSc (Western University), PhD (McMaster University), is Harry Shirreff Professor of Chemical Research (Emerita) at Dalhousie University, where she was founding director of Dalhousie’s Institute for Research in Materials at Dalhousie University (now the Clean Technology Research Institute), and director of DREAMS (Dalhousie Research in Energy, Advanced Materials and Sustainability), an NSERC CREATE program. White is a specialist in energetics and thermal properties of materials, and author of more than 200 research papers and two patents. She shares her love of science with research trainees, and the public, via radio, television, public talks, her writing and school visits. White has mentored new materials chemists via her textbook, Physical Properties of Materials (CRC Press), now in its third edition. White’s honours include honorary doctorates from McMaster University, Western University and University of Ottawa. She is a fellow of the CIC, of IUPAC, and of the Royal Society of Canada. In 2016, she was installed as an Officer of the Order of Canada for “critical advances to materials chemistry and to science outreach in Canada”.