The effect of 6PPD on the kinetics and mechanism of oxidation and ozone attack

Date: December 5, 2024 2:00 pm (ET)


  • Edward R Terrill
    Akron Rubber Development Laboratory (ARDL)

Bio: Ed Terrill has received his BS in Chemistry from Ursinus College and his PhD in Polymer Science from The University of Akron.  He joined ARDL in 2003.  His professional experience includes 43 years in the rubber industry.  Prior to joining ARDL he worked for The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company and E I DuPont deNemours & Co.  His accomplishments are primarily in the development and application of instrumentation, including modulus profiling, oxidation models (DLO), ultra-sensitive oxygen consumption, angle abrader, coefficient of friction (thrust washer), fatigue (mini-DeMattia), DMA techniques, and crosslink type measurement techniques. With these techniques he helped to understand (1) structure property relationships, (2) chemical degradation mechanisms, (3) service life prediction, (4) abrasion mechanisms, and (5) polymer to filler interaction.  He applied this knowledge to aid process and product development.