Title: Chloramine Devulcanization: A circular solution to rubber waste.
Abstract: With sustainability at the forefront of the rubber industry, circular rubber recycling solutions are needed at an all time high. Arduro has developed a patented and proprietary recovery process for end-of-life rubber materials. This process uses chloramine, a chemical agent common in wastewater treatment, to target and break the sulfur crosslinks in the rubber matrix. Specific components of the rubber matrix, namely recovered carbon black (rCB) and polymer, can then the separated out and purified into clean product streams. In this presentation, we will briefly explore this novel chemical devulcanization method and compare it to other solutions on the market. We will review the resulting product streams and services Arduro offers to the rubber industry as a result. An analysis of the performance of Arduro’s Eldarix r1000 rCB will be included.
Presenter: Ian Byberg
Bio: Ian has been with Arduro for two years, starting as a Process Engineer responsible for the engineering design of various components of their process. As design transition into construction for their new plant in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Ian transition into his current role as Sales Engineer working with the Sales and Business Development team to bring products and services to market. Before Arduro, Ian worked in product and process development for a small vinyl upholstery company in Cornwall, Ontario. He was responsible for leading new product development from ideation through to market launch. Ian received his Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering in 2019 from McMaster University. He currently lives and works in the GTA.