Technologists & Technicians (TT


Welcome to the Technologists & Technicians (TT) division of the Chemical Institute of Canada. In January 2022, the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology (CSCT) merged with the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC). The new TT division is a place for former CSCT members to maintain and grow the community of chemical technologists and technicians. 

View the historical CSCT page.

TT Executive

TT Award

The CSC confers the Norman and Marion Bright Memorial Award to recognize individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to chemical technology.

TT Student Awards

Technologists & Technicians Division Silver Medals

Presented to the top students at each Canadian college completing their final year of chemical technology or a related programs.

TT Silver Medals Terms of Reference

Technologists & Technicians Division Student Chapter Merit Award

Presented to recognize and encourage initiative and originality in Student Chapter programming in chemical technology or related programs.

TT Student Chapter Merit Award Terms of Reference


The TT division works for the advancement chemical technology and improvement of the standards of practitioners and educators of such technology and the continuing elevation of chemical technological services in Canada.


  • To maintain a dialogue with educators, government, and industry;
  • To assist in the technology content of the education of technologists and technicians;
  • To attract qualified people into the professions;
  • To develop and maintain high standards in the profession and enhance the usefulness of chemical technology to industry and the public.