Canadian Society for Chemical Technology career development leader Amy Reckling presents Vinay Joshy with an award at the CSCT Eastern Student Symposium. Joshy received third place for his presentation Fermi’s Paradox.

Canadian Society for Chemical Technology career development leader Amy Reckling presents Vinay Joshy with an award at the CSCT Eastern Student Symposium. Joshy received third place for his presentation Fermi’s Paradox.

On Nov. 9, 2017 Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ont. hosted the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology (CSCT) Eastern Student Symposium. About 25 technology students attended the event, which featured a talk by CSCT president Samantha Waytowich of Continuous Improvement Consulting 360. Six student presenters also spoke on topics ranging from woman and science outreach to the utility of red mud, a toxic byproduct of the industrial process. Following the presentations, attendees networked over coffee and cookies with Waytowich, members of Hamilton CIC Local Section and CSCT career development leader Amy Reckling.  First, second and third place prizes were awarded respectively to: Santosh Kumar Veerbadra for Water Analysis – Microbiology; Kevin Gilchrist for Implication of Linguistics on the Future of Artificial Intelligence and Vinay Joshy Fermi’s Paradox. Award winners received a certificate, cash prize and a complimentary 2017 CSCT membership.