What does membership mean to you?

Belonging, community, integration. These words reflect the essence of membership for the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) with members joining substituent societies for chemistry (CSC – Canadian Society for Chemistry), chemical engineering (CSChE – Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering), or chemical technology (CSCT – Canadian Society for Chemical Technology).

What: CIC is an unmatched network of professionals that champions the advancement of the chemical sciences professions in Canada. We are a diverse community of almost 6,000 chemical science professionals across Canada.

Prime purpose: To serve its members and help them connect, learn, and grow their careers.

How: CIC is a synergist in the Canadian chemistry community helping members achieve more together than they could alone.

Vision: A fully interconnected Canadian chemical sciences community that works together for the advancement of understanding, for sustainability, and for national and global prosperity.

Why: Together, the chemical sciences allow us to feed billions, cure diseases, generate and store energy, solve our most challenging problems, and transform our world for the better.

As year-end approaches, we all take some sort of account of how this year has been and what the next year could bring. We do this at a personal level as well as in our careers. At the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) and its substituent societies, we do the same.

In the coming weeks we will launch the annual membership renewal campaign. We are committed this time around to be more engaging and compelling to convince folks to renew and to recruit a colleague to join you in your commitment to the CIC; we believe in the collective benefits of a strong membership in the CIC for the profession, society, and our well-being.

You, our members and stakeholders who have chosen to stay connected and engaged with us, are critical to our future success. This article is the beginning of an on-going commentary around the value of membership in the CIC and of being involved in the growth of your profession; we want to help realize the power of the chemical sciences to address critical issues impacting our planet and to build a sustainable future for the benefit of humanity.

In coming issues of CIC News, we will unfold a map for you around where we have been and what we have achieved recently for you, to where we are going and planning for enhanced impact and value.

We are growing an integrated Canadian chemical science community:

  • We have a long and prestigious national and international presence in the annual conferences in chemistry (hosted by the Canadian Society for Chemistry) and chemical engineering (hosted by the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering).
  • Our network of Local Sections coast to coast have the potential to connect members, academia, industry, government, and the public regionally.
  • Our diverse portfolio of Subject Divisions offers members the opportunity to associate based on their common technical interests, to achieve both personal goals and advance science and technology.
  • New in 2019, the CIC welcomed it’s first Member Resource Group, the Women in Chemistry (Chemical Sciences) in Canada.

To support the growth of this diverse array of communities, we have developed a new role in the National Office, “Community Development Coordinator”. We are committed to making a difference and have great plans to strengthen our communities and to bring more value to members.

Looking forward to sharing with you in the future more about what we have done and are planning.

Join the CIC – For Our Future

Join Us and Grow, Learn, Recognize, and Connect!