The May issue of CJCE is now available! This month’s Editor’s Choice article is co-authored by CJCE Associate Editor Dr. Sarang P. Gumfekar and colleagues Prashant L. Suryawanshi and Shirish H. Sonawane: “Microfluidic synthesis of platinum nanoparticles supported on reduced graphene oxide, titanium dioxide, and carbon for PEM fuel cells”.
Be sure to read the May issue highlights, also selected by our Editor-in-Chief: “Vapour–liquid–liquid and vapour–liquid equilibrium of paraffinic aromatic synthetic naphtha/water blends: Prediction of the number of phases”, by Sandra Lopez-Zamora, Jeonghoon Kong, Salvador Escobedo, and Hugo de Lasa; “Liquid and solids phase backmixing in a bubble and slurry bubble column using a virtual tracer response methodology based on the trajectory data of the radioactive particle tracking (RPT) technique”, by Lu Han, Premkumar Kamalanathan, and Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan; and “Investigation of local and temporal interfacial shear stress distribution during membrane emulsification”, by Tobias Wollborn, Patrick Giefer, Helena Kieserling, Anja M. Wagemans, Stephan Drusch, and Udo Fritsching.
CJCE’s latest virtual issue—Highlighting Early Career Researchers in Chemical Engineering—celebrates the journal’s 100th volume and the authors who have been an important part of CJCE’s ongoing success. Access this virtual issue now while it is free-to-read!
Are you curious about CJCE’s commitment to cutting-edge research? Check out this playlist on YouTube featuring papers presented at the “Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering” special sessions at CCEC 2021.