The CJCE editorial team has received exciting news: Our 2-year impact factor has increased to 2.500, which is a 25% increase from last year’s impact factor of 2.007. The journal’s 5-year impact factor has also increased from 1.819 to 2.115. This increase means that the journal’s impact factor has reached an all-time high and marks the fourth year in a row that the impact factor has increased (1.265 in 2017, 1.610 in 2018, 1.687 in 2019, and 2.007 in 2020).

This increase is particularly significant as last year Clarivate introduced a phased change to the method by which they calculate impact factors. This change meant that Early Access content published online and prior to assignment to an issue (referred to as EarlyView at Wiley) would be included in the Journal Citation Reports as of 2020 and so would be included in impact factor calculation. As impact factor is calculated by dividing the total number of citations received for articles published over the specified time period by the number of articles (citable items) published during that time period, including EarlyView content would increase the number of citable items and therefore could potentially lead to a decrease in the impact factor. However, despite this change, CJCE’s 2021 impact factor increased by 25%, which is certainly something to celebrate. It is also important to note that impact factor is among a number of metrics that can be used to measure the impact of a journal and of authors’ work. Recently, Wiley has become a signatory of DORA (San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment), which encourages the recognition of these other metrics, including journal-level and article-level metrics.

This increase in impact factor would not be possible without our authors—and the high-quality research they publish with our journal—as well as the dedication of our reviewers, associate editors, editorial boards, and editorial team. Thank you!