The Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) stands in solidarity with Ukraine, the Ukrainian community in Canada, and people who have close ties to their homeland. This unprovoked attack is horrific and unimaginable.
For everyone in the CIC community, please continue to practice kindness, be compassionate and reach out to your friends and colleagues.
The CIC applauds the humanitarian efforts that are already underway. If you wish to donate, please consider:
- Canadian Red Cross – Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal – the federal government will match donations by Canadians to the Canadian Red Cross dollar to dollar to a maximum of $10 million
- The Canada Ukraine Foundation – a Toronto-based group that co-ordinates Canadian charitable aid to Ukraine
- Save the Children – an international NGO delivering emergency aid to Ukrainian families
- The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is taking additional steps to provide immigration support for those affected by the situation in Ukraine. More information can be found here.