The lively and often random interactions of a conference setting can be life-altering for many students, who can gain unique insights and contacts that set the course of their careers. The CIC Chemical Education Fund (CEF), a registered charity that promotes educational initiatives in the chemical sciences, chemical engineering, chemical technology and related disciplines regularly supports these activities. Each year, the CEF awards financial support to various education-focused events and initiatives.
The full list of 2018 CEF grant recipients is below, and examples of previously funded activities are available online at the CEF page, along with information on how to make a donation for anyone who is interested in doing so. CEF-funded events and initiatives will be highlighted in ACCN Community News as they take place throughout the year.
Canadian Society for Chemistry regional student conferences
46th Southern Ontario Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference (SOUSCC 2018)
March 24, 2018 in Waterloo, Ont.
Hosted by: Wilfred Laurier University
32nd Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference (WCUCC 2018)
April 30-May 3, 2018 in Winnipeg, MB
Hosted by: The University of Winnipeg
Science Atlantic Chemistry Conference (ChemCon 2018)
June 7-9, 2018 in Halifax, NS
Hosted by: St. Mary’s University
30e Colloque annuel des étudiantes et étudiants de 1er cycle en chemie de l’Université de Sherbrooke
October 19, 2018 in Sherbrooke, QC
Hosted by: Université de Sherbrooke
Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering student programming
Student program at the XXIX Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering Incorporating the 68th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference
October 28-31, 2018 in Toronto, Ont.
Hosted by: University of Toronto & Ryerson University
Canadian Society for Chemical Technology student symposia
15th Western Canadian CSCT Student Symposium
April 7, 2018 in Edmonton, AB
Hosted by: Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Education and outreach initiatives and special events
Green by Design: Advances in Chemistry and Engineering Symposium
May 23-25, 2018 in Toronto, ON
Hosted by: University of Toronto Green Chemistry Initiative
Leaders Overcoming Gender Inequality in Chemistry (LOGIC) Retreat 2018
May 26-27, 2018 in Edmonton, AB
Hosted by: University of Alberta Women in Chemistry
Equity and Diversity Symposium at the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition
May 27-31, 2018 in Edmonton, AB (conference dates)
Hosted by: Chemistry Education Division
CSC President’s Event: Catalyzing Change – Diversity in Canadian Chemistry at the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition
May 29, 2018 in Edmonton, AB
Hosted by: Canadian Society for Chemistry
Chemistry outreach to schools in Nunatsiavut Inuit communities
October 2018 in Nunatsiavut
Hosted by: Chemistry Outreach Group, Memorial University of Newfoundland – Grenfell Campus
CIC seminar and interview series for professional development
Hosted by: Toronto CIC Local Section