CSC 2024 Conference Recap

CIC Executive Director, Dr. Josephine Tsang's recap of CSC 2024, which The Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, from Jun. 2 - 6 under the theme The Central Science. CSC 2024 conference highlights include the Transitions Program, the first CIC National Career Fair, and programming on EDI and sustainability.


Dr. Josephine Tsang’s CSChE 2022 Conference Recap

It feels like our in-person conferences were a lifetime ago. As the new Executive Director of the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC), it has been a magnificent learning experience (I am a chemist by trade, and chemical engineering is a different ball game!), and an amazing opportunity for me to be a part of the first in-person Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference and Exhibition in beautiful Vancouver and getting to know the incredible and solid chemical engineering community.


Growing Together: CSC 2022 Success and our hope for the future

2077 chemical science attendees. 2300+ abstracts. 250 sessions. Thank you to everyone who put in their heart and soul to make #CSC2022 happen. A big shoutout to the volunteers, conference attendees, plenary speakers, symposia organizers, Technical Program team, Conference Organizing Committee, and the National Team for making our first in-person in three years such a memorable experience.