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Special sessions

Chemical Engineering Education Before, During, and After COVID-19: Lessons Learned

Session organizer:
Jennifer Farmer
, University of Toronto

Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering

Session organizers:
Dalma SchieppatiPolytechnique Montréal

Bridging the gap from invention to innovation towards cleaner technologies

Session organizers:
Adrian Faye
Phil De Luna
Damien Maillard
Punita Mehta
Milena Sejnoha
Laurent Spreutels
Karen Stoeffler
Adam Tuck
National Research Council of Canada

The development and deployment of new, clean technologies is one of the effective but complex approaches to ensure industrial competitiveness and address environmental challenges from clean energy, climate change to plastic pollution. This Symposium brings together speakers from industry, academia and governments in a technical session to present examples of research and development projects including accelerated materials development, electric transportation, sustainable plastics, waste water treatment, advanced manufacturing, life cycle analysis, and others. They discuss the important steps, enablers and challenges in the development of these technologies, the establishment of new supply chains and the deployment into the market place.
The morning session entitled New Platforms for Accelerating Innovation will present examples of research projects that are the foundation to new clean technology development. It includes a panel discussion Bringing Together The Supply Chain to Maximize Technology Deployment that addresses the role of the stakeholders from academic and research institution, governments and funding agencies, the challenge of establishing new industrial supply chains, and deploying the technology into the market place.
The afternoon session entitles Strengthening The Supply Chain trough Novel Processes and Engineering presents successful uses cases of the development of new products, and also presents a Panel Discussion that explores the advantages of international collaboration in accelerating innovation Advancing technology Through International Collaborations.

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering:
Perspectives in Chemical Engineering

In 2022, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering will publish its 100th volume, which makes it one of the oldest scientific journals in the field. To celebrate this milestone, Prof. Joao Soares (editor-in-chief) and Gregory S. Patience, vice-chair of the conference, have invited the top scientists and engineers to present a perspective paper at the CCEC 2021. This special session covers the topics of the journal including:

Fluid mechanics, Catalysis, Density Functional Theory, Heat & mass transfer, Interfacial phenomena, Petroleum – In Situ Combustion, Multiphase flows, Electrochemical phenomena, Artificial Intelligence, Separations processes, Bioengineering, Spectroscopy, Thermodynamics, Mineral processing, Natural Products, Process systems engineering, Environmental, Process Intensification, Reactors & kinetics, Petroleum, Safety and education, Polymer.

Best Practices for Entrepreneurs and Start-ups

Fluidization symposium in honor of Professor John R. Grace

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