Chemistry at the Frontiers Thematic Program Co-Chairs:
Mark MacLachlan, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Katsuhiro Maeda, Kanazawa University, Japan
The Chemistry at the Frontiers theme includes the following symposia:
Jean-Francois Masson, Université de Montréal, Canada
Karen Waldron, Université de Montréal, Canada
This general session aims to be of broad interest and highlight recent advances in the field of analytical chemistry.
S. Holger Eichhorn, University of Windsor, Canada
Elda Hegmann, Kent State University, USA
Invited speakers:
Jun-ichi Hanna, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Torsten Hegmann, Kent State University, USA
Takashi Kato, Tokyo University, Japan
Cecilia Leal, University of Illinois, USA
Bjorn Lussem, Kent State University, USA
Michel Mitov, CNRS/CEMES Toulouse, France
Mark MacLachlan, University of British Columbia, Canada
Rachel Sagalman, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Self-assembly into liquid crystal and other mesophases has been developed into the most versatile tool for controlling supramolecular structures and molecular orientations at length scales ranging from nanometers to centimetres. This symposium will highlight novel approaches to mesomorphic compounds by molecular and supramolecular design and their application to different types of materials. The four sessions of this symposium will focus on four different groups of materials: a) Mesomorphic Bio- and Biomimetic Materials, b) Mesomorphic Organic Semiconductors, c) Mesomorphic Nanomaterials, and d) Mesomorphic Polymers and Gels. These four groups of materials encompass potential applications in medicine, advanced coatings and optics, organic electronics, sensing, and responsive materials.
Joe Gilroy, Western University, Canada
This general session aims to be of broad interest and highlight recent advances in the field of inorganic chemistry.
Marc Adler, Ryerson University, Canada
This general session aims to be of broad interest and highlight recent advances in the field of organic chemistry.
This general session aims to be of broad interest and highlight recent advances in the field of physical, theoretical and computational chemistry.
Scott Kroeker, University of Manitoba, Canada
David Bryce, University of Ottawa, Canada
Award lecture:
Roderick Wasylishen, University of Alberta, Canada (2021 CSC E.W.R. Steacie Award recipient)
Invited speakers:
Songi Han, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Marc Baldus, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
John Griffin, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Michael Ryan Hansen, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
Michal Leskes, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
This symposium will focus on recent advances in NMR spectroscopy of solids. We welcome contributions in wide-ranging areas of NMR including methodology, computations, hardware and dynamic nuclear polarization, as well as applications of NMR impacting fields as diverse as energy, environment, materials and health sciences.
Eric Rivard, University of Alberta, Canada
Award lecture:
Joe Gilroy, Wester University, Canada (2020 CSC Strem Chemicals Award for Pure & Applied Inorganic Chemistry recipient)
Invited Speakers:
Brandi Cossairt, University of Washington, USA
Robert Gilliard Jr., University of Virginia, USA
Christine Thomas, Ohio State University, USA
Shigeyoshi Inoue, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Felicitas Lips, University of Münster, Germany
Saurabh Chitnis, Dalhousie University, Canada
Theresa McCormick, Portland State University, USA
Makato Yamashita, Nagoya University, Japan
Once generally believed to be the region of the Periodic Table where only impractical and esoteric molecules arise, the Main Group (or the s- and p-blocks) is adopting an increasingly leading role in catalysis and optoelectronics. For example “transition metal-like” reactivity, such as H2 or N2 activation, can now be achieved using non-metallic elements. Moreover, the incorporation of both electron-deficient (e.g. boron) and rich (e.g. sulfur) elements within π-conjugated frameworks has led to impressive breakthroughs in photovoltaic and OLED technologies. As a result of the current renaissance of Main Group element chemistry, we hope that this IUPAC/CSC symposium will attract both established and emerging talents from around the world to Montréal to discuss fundamentally interesting materials (molecules, polymers and nanomaterials) as well as their possible use in more applied realms.
Russ Algar, University of British Columbia, Canada
Paul Piunno, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada
Invited speakers:
Russ Algar, University of British Columbia, Canada
Stephen Brown, Queen’s University, Canada
Ulrich Krull, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada
Karan Malhotra, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada
Paul Piunno, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada
Max Prigozhin, Harvard University, USA
Anna Shahmuradyan and Samer Doughan, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada
James Watterson, Laurentian University, Canada
John Brennan, McMaster University, Canada
This symposium will celebrate the career of Ulli Krull and his many contributions to analytical chemistry in Canada and worldwide. The symposium will feature invited presentations from alumni of the Krull Research Group and a variety of presentations on the development of point-of-care diagnostics, chemical sensors, and biosensor technologies; the bioanalytical applications of nanomaterials; and analytical chemistry education.
Barry Blight, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Zachary Hudson, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Sponsored by: Canadian Journal of Chemistry
Award lecture:
Stephen Loeb, University Windsor, Canada (2021 CSC Canadian Journal of Chemistry Best Paper Award recipient)
Invited Speakers:
Todd Marder, Universität Würzburg, Germany
Frieder Jakle, Rutgers University, USA
Shigehiro Yamaguchi, Nagoya University, Japan
Xiaoyu Li, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
François Gabbaï, Texas A&M, USA
Theresa McCormick, Portland State University, USA
Nan Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Soren Mellerup, Universität Würzburg, Germany
Youngjin Kang, Kangwon National University, Korea
Matthias Wagner, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Dengtao Yang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Frédéric-Georges Fontaine, Université Laval, Canada
Warren Piers, University of Calgary, Canada
Thomas Baumgartner, York University, Canada
Dwight Seferos, University of Toronto, Canada
Kim Baines, Western University, Canada
Cathleen Crudden, Queen’s University, Canada
Eric Rivard, University of Alberta, Canada
Jennifer Love, University of Calgary, Canada
Laurel Schafer, University of British Columbia, Canada
Sanela Martic, Trent University, Canada
Datong Song, University of Toronto, Canada
Leanne Chen, Guelph University, Canada
Doug Stephan, University of Toronto, Canada
This symposium seeks to celebrate the work and achievements of Suning Wang, a leader in Canadian chemistry who sadly passed away earlier this year after a long illness. Prof. Wang was a Distinguished University Professor at Queen’s University, where her work focused on organometallic chemistry and luminescent materials. She co-authored over 300 publications in her career, with research interests including organic light-emitting diodes, stimuli-responsive materials and the fundamentals of chemical bonding. She won numerous awards for research, scholarship, and mentorship, including the inaugural Canadian Association for Graduate Studies Award for Outstanding Mentorship in 2018. She was a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), and the Chemical Institute of Canada. This symposium will bring together former colleagues and collaborators of Prof. Wang as well as new faces to present research at the forefront of main group and materials chemistry. Areas of focus will include boron chemistry, luminescent materials, main-group structure and reactivity, and optoelectronics.
Styliani Consta, Western University, Canada
Sotiris Xantheas, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Invited Speakers:
Richard Zare, Stanford University, USA
Abraham Kwame Badu-Tawiah, Ohio State University, USA
Amy Shen, Okinawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Andreas Vasdekis, University of Idaho, USA
Barbara Finlayson-Pitts, University of California, Irvine, USA
Mark Johnson, Yale University, USA
Masaaki Fujii, Tokyo Tech, Japan
Evan Williams, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Chemical reactivity and assembly in small volumes follows different mechanisms from that in the bulk. Small volumes include confining environments such as cavities, droplets, vesicles, cell compartments, artificial cells, atmospheric aerosols. The resulting chemistry many times is surprising and accelerates many reactions relative to their bulk analogues with the benefit of economizing on the volume of solvent consumed and increase in the efficiency of the process. Progressive miniaturization of chemistry leads to the usage of even smaller volumes with the notable example that of nanofluidics. Even though our ability to carry out chemical reactions on mass-scale in these minute volumes is rapidly growing, the knowledge of the molecular structures of the droplet environments is still limited. In this symposium we intend to bring together scientists from experiments and theory/computations who will discuss the unique chemistry in the small volumes. The emphasis will be in the chemistry of “soft’’ volumes containing condensed phase such as droplets, cells, vesicles, cavities. We envisage to invite scientists who will discuss the effect of the finite volume in reactivity and assembly in systems appearing in chemical biology and technology. Emphasis will be given in selecting speakers who address the distinct chemical mechanisms and methods of probing them. We expect that the symposium will result to a valuable transfer of knowledge among the scientists who will participate.
Michael Serpe, University of Alberta, Canada
Award lectures:
Mary Anne White, Dalhousie University, Canada (2020 CSC Canadian Light Source TK Sham Award recipient)
James D. Wuest, University of Montreal, Canada, (2021 CSC Canadian Light Source TK Sham Award in Materials Chemistry recipient)
Curtis Berlinguette, University of British Columbia, Canada (2020 CSC Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry recipient)
Venkataraman Thangadurai, University of Calgary, Canada (2021 CSC Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry recipient)
Invited speakers:
Zac Hudson, the University of British Columbia, Canada
Eva Hemmer, University of Ottawa, Canada
Arghya Paul, Western University, Canada
Olena Zenkina, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Pawan Kumar, University of Alberta, Canada
Abhoy Karmakar, University of Alberta, Canada
Yingnan Zhang, University of Alberta, Canada
Katherine Elvira, University of Victoria, Canada
Lingzi Sang, University of Alberta, Canada, Canada
Simon Rondeau-Gagné, University of Windsor, Canada
Charlotte Boott, University of British Columbia, Canada
Phillipe Green, University of Toronto, Canada
This by-invitation-only symposium highlights the work of early-career researchers as well as the winners of the Canadian Society for Chemistry Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry and the TK Sham Award.
David Leitch, University of Victoria, Canada
John Naber, Merck, USA
Award lectures:
Mark Lautens, University of Toronto, Canada (2020 CSC E. W. R. Steacie Award Winner recipient)
Bruce Arndsten, McGill University, Canada (2021 CSC Alfred Bader Award recipient)
Graham Murphy, University of Waterloo, Canada (2021 CSC Keith Fagnou Award recipient)
Dennis Hall, University of Alberta, Canada – (2021 CSC R.U. Lemieux Award recipient)
Invited Speakers:
Janelle Steves, GlaxoSmithKline, USA
Robert Paton, Colorado State University, USA
Sophie Rousseaux, University of Toronto, Canada
François Lévesque, Merck, USA
Nicole Goodwin, GlaxoSmithKline, USA
Richard Bourne, University of Leeds, UK
Tomislav Friščić, McGill University, Canada
The “Emerging Tools and Methodologies in Organic Chemistry” symposium will bring together a diverse group of cutting-edge organic chemists from both academia and industry who are developing the tools and methods that will help shape the discipline over the coming decades. Represented research areas include: the use of automation and artificial intelligence in experimental design, execution and analysis; development of new catalytic transformations including biocatalysis; continuous flow chemistry in the lab and the plant; advancements in chemical analysis; and the implementation of these tools and methods in industrial R&D.
Ashlee Howarth, Concordia University, Canada
Michael Katz, Memorial University, Canada
Coordination polymers and metal–organic frameworks are a class of “scaffolding materials” in which inorganic metal nodes are connected to one another via bridging ligands. Depending on the synthetic conditions, use of capping ligands, coordination chemistry of the node, and the nature of the bridging ligands, these scaffolding materials can form 1D chains, 2D sheets, or 3D frameworks that give rise to either porous or non-porous structures. These materials have potential applications in magnetism, catalysis, gas adsorption/separation, and sensing, to name a few. The present symposium aims to celebrate the synthesis, properties, and applications of these scaffolding materials.
Invited Speakers:
Sara Thoi, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Yangyang Liu, Cal State LA, USA
Kim Dunbar, Texas A&M, USA
Amanda Morris, Virginia Tech, USA
Joseph Hupp, Northwestern University, USA
Tendai Gadzikwa, Kansas State University, USA
Omar Farha, Northwestern University, USA
Tomislav Friščić, McGill University, Canada
George Shimizu, University of Calgary, Canada
Yining Huang, Western University, Canada
Valentina Colombo, University of Milan, Italy
Farnaz Heidar-Zadeh, Queen’s University, Canada
Cherif Matta, Mount St. Vincent University, Canada
Paul Ayers, McMaster University, Canada
Award lecture:
Edward R. Grant, University of British Columbia, Canada – 2020 CSC John C. Polanyi Award recipient
Invited speakers:
Ria Broer-Braam, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Verònica Postils, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Sereina Riniker, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Heather Kulik, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Mercedes Alonso, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Switerland
Amanda Morgenstern, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA
Weitao Yang, Duke University, USA
Chunnying Rong, Hunan Normal University, China
Alberto Otero de la Roza, University of Oviedo, Spain
Wallace D. Derricotte, Morehouse College (Atlanta), USA
Marco Franco-Perez, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Ángel Martín Pendás, University of Oviedo, Spain
Frank De Proft, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Eduard Matito, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Shahin Sowlati, Western University, Canada
Shant Shabazian, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Martin Head-Gordon, University of California, Berkeley, USA
At present, quantum chemical methods have sufficient accuracy to model ~95% of chemical systems with accuracy that is helpful for the interpretation of existing experiments and the design of new experiments. This allows chemists to generate enormous amounts of computational data with relative ease, and makes tools for understanding that data and finding patterns in it more essential. To meet this need, new (and old) chemical descriptors and concepts are necessary. These descriptors provide the tools to translate the numerical output of calculations into the phenomenological language of chemistry, and also provide raw ingredients for machine-learning methods. This symposium will bring together the researchers who develop chemical descriptors and uncover chemical concepts with those who use those descriptors to explain novel chemical phenomena or as input into machine-learning methods.
Byron Gates, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Pavle Radovanovic, University of Waterloo, Canada
Award lecture:
Fiore Vetrone, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Canada – 2020 CSC Keith Laidler Award recipient
Invited Speakers:
Eugenia Kumacheva, University of Toronto, Canada
Christophe Coutanceau, Université de Poitiers, France
Peng Zhang, Dalhousie University, Canada
Emily Weiss, Northwestern University, USA
The aim of this symposium is to bring together a cross-disciplinary set of talks that provide perspective with highlights on current challenges and future opportunities in the chemistry of the nanosciences. The invited presentations would be span from the areas of materials for energy applications, to the development of nanomaterials with advanced optoelectronic properties, to the study of physical and chemical properties of these materials and the implications for their scale-up and utilization.
Jean-Francois Masson, Université de Montréal, Canada
Christina Bottaro, Memorial University, Canada
Michael Serpe, Univesity of Alberta, Canada
Award lectures:
Alexandre Brolo, University of Victoria, Canada – 2020 CSC W.A.E. McBryde Medal recipient
Feng Li, Brock University, Canada – 2021 CSC Fred Beamish Award recipient
Kagan Kerman, University of Toronto, Canada – 2021 CSC W.A.E. McBryde Medal recipient
Invited speakers:
Philippe Dauphin-Ducharme, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Katherine Elvira, University of Victoria, Canada
Measurement sciences is ubiquitous in all aspects of chemistry. Deeply rooted in the chemistry community, analytical chemistry research solves unmet needs in quantifying, characterizing and monitoring chemical systems. This symposium will bring experts and trainees from diverse backgrounds to showcase the latest advances in analytical technologies for environmental, clinical, industrial and biological sciences, with no specific technological approach. Each of the 4 half-day symposium will showcase diverse analytical approach for each of the fields above-mentioned. As such, it will provide a multidisciplinary forum to solve analytical challenges that are specific to environmental, clinical, industrial and biological analytical sciences. Hence, the symposia will ensure dynamic and thought-provoking discussions among the diverse set of measurement scientists that will be present. High level speakers will be invited to present at the symposium, both nationally (such as the Beamish, McBryde and Aroca award winners from the CSC) and international key opinion leaders in each of the subfields. We will also ensure that a significant number of presentations will be reserved for the best analytical students across the country and internationally.
Russ Algar, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Christa Brosseau, St. Mary’s University
Patanjali Kambhampati, McGill University
Award lecture:
Jennifer I-Ling Chen, York University, Canada – 2019 CSC Fred Beamish Award recipient
Invited speakers:
Keng Chou, University of British Columbia, Canada
Renee Frontiera, University of Minnesota, USA
Elad Harel, Michigan State University, USA
Kalai Saravanumuttu, McMaster University, Canada
Kevin Stamplecoskie, Queen’s University, Canada
Jennifer van Wijngaarden, University of Manitoba, Canada
Mark Wilson, University of Toronto, Canada
Katherine Willets, Temple University, USA
This symposium will be a forum for sharing fundamental and applied advances in optical spectroscopy and imaging with relevance to analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. Topics of interest are the detection of chemical analytes and biomarkers using methods and techniques rooted in absorption or colorimetry, fluorescence and other emission spectroscopies, Raman scattering, and plasmonics. Research that facilitates or enhances these measurements is also of interest, including novel materials/surfaces and their characterization, new or portable/low-cost instrumentation, single-molecule studies, advances in data analysis or advances in high-resolution spectroscopy and imaging. Contributions at the interface of analytical chemistry and other sub-disciplines (e.g. physical, biological, materials) are welcomed and encouraged.
Dajana Vuckovic, Concordia University, Canada
Anas El-Aneed, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Award lecture:
Daniel Figeys, University of Ottawa, Canada – 2021 CSC Ricardo Aroca Award recipient
Invited Speakers:
Jon Amster, University of Georgia, USA
Alexander Makarov, Thermo Scientific, Germany
Joseph Banoub, DFO, Canada
Liang Li, University of Alberta, Canada
Xing-Fang Li, University of Alberta, Canada
Randy Purves, CFIA, Saskatoon, Canada
Melissa Passarelli, Concordia University, Canada
Laura-Isobel McCall, University of Oklahoma, USA
Hélène Perreault, University of Manitoba, Canada
Pierre Thibault, Université de Montreal, Canada
Mass spectrometry (MS) has revolutionized measurement science and opened up new avenues for highly sensitive quantification, spatial localization and accurate identification of hundreds of analytes in a single analysis. This symposium will focus on the latest advances in mass spectrometry from fundamentals to applications and will bring together national/international MS leaders with the next generation of young scientists to promote multidisciplinary discussions on MS innovation at the intersection of analytical chemistry, biochemistry, computational chemistry, bioinformatics and life sciences. The symposium will discuss analytical advances by low and high resolution MS and imaging MS as well as novel biological/environmental insights that can be gained using these state-of-the-art approaches. Topics of interest include metabolomics, lipidomics, proteomics, exposomics, MS fundamentals, ion mobility, MS data processing and computational modelling, de novo compound identification, high-throughput analysis and state-of-the-art applications of MS in bioanalysis, drug and biomarker discovery, forensic science, food science and environmental analysis
Karen Waldron, Université de Montréal, Canada
Kingsley Donkor, Thompson Rivers University, Canada
Award lecture:
Xing-Fang Li, University of Alberta, Canada – 2020 CSC Ricardo Aroca Award recipient
Invited speakers:
Katherine Elvira, University of Victoria, Canada
Robbyn K. Anand, Iowa State University, USA
Jessica S. Creamer, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CalTech, USA
Rawi Ramautar, Leiden University, Netherlands
Analytical separations play an integral role in the natural and health sciences, whether for purification or analysis, from materials to biomolecules. Where would many spectroscopic methods be without efficient sample preparation by selective extraction methods? This symposium will highlight the importance of chemical separations by providing a forum to present new technologies, exciting applications and theoretical aspects of extraction, electromigration and chromatography in both the liquid and gas phases. Areas of interest for analytical separations include environmental/earth sciences, foods/nutrition, forensics, toxicology, (bio)pharmaceuticals, -omics, nanoparticles, polymers, biofuels, novel detectors, etc. New methodologies in microscale separations, lab-on-a-chip and high-throughput will also be included because the future of analytical separations lies in faster, more sensitive and more selective analyses.
Simon Trudel, University of Calgary, Canada
This general session aims to be of broad interest and highlight recent advances in the field of material chemistry.
Xiaosong Wang, University of Waterloo, Canada
Ana Celia Vila Verde, University of Duisburg-Essen and RESOLV Cluster of Excellence, Germany
Invited Speakers:
Ali Hassanali, International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy
Nicholas L. Abbott, Cornell Engineering, USA
Hank Ashbaugh, Tulane University USA
Franci Merzel, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia
Dor Ben-Amotz, Purdue University, USA
Martina Havenith, Ruhr University, Germany
Douwe Bonthuis, Free University Berlin, Germany
Kenichiro Koga, Okayama University, Japan
Montgomery Pettitt, University of Texas Medical Branch, USA
Joan-Emma Shea, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Omololu Akin-Ojo, ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research, University of Rwanda Kigali, Rwanda
Narjes Ansari, ETH Zurich, Swizterland
Sylvie Roke, EPFL, Switzerland
Matthias Heyden, Arizona State University, USA
Chen-Lung Wang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Ben-zhong Tang, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hydrophobic effects (HE) are ubiquitous and crucial for biological events, including protein folding, enzyme activity, and biological recognition. This concept has been explored using computer simulations and experimental characterization of water perturbated by water-dispersible solutes, and many features of HE have been explained and quantified recently. On the other hand, supramolecular chemistry, including host-guest interactions of cyclic molecules and micellization of amphiphilic molecules, has generated qualitative knowledge of HE via exploring the dependence of colloidal behaviour on chemical structures. The complement of these two fields creates new opportunities for research. Self-assembled reverse micelles, as an example, have been successfully used as model systems to understand the effect of nano-confinement on the structure of water. The proposed symposium will strengthen the communication between these two groups of scientists with complementary expertise, providing inspiration and learning opportunities for those who are interested in the topics.
Sylvain Canesi, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Louis Barriault, University of Ottawa, Canada
Sponsored by: COREALIS Pharma, NanoQAM, Paraza
Award lectures:
Zheng Huang, McGill University, Canada – 2021 CSC CCUCC Chemistry Doctoral Award recipient
Invited speakers:
Michael Sherburn, The Australian National University, Australia
Andrew Lawrence, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Sophie Rousseaux, University of Toronto, Canada
Robert Britton, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Arturo Orellana, York University, Canada
Avena Ross, Queen’s University, Canada
This symposium will focus on recent research concerning the development of new organic synthesis methodologies as useful tools for producing valuable scaffold and/or functionality, as well as recent research in the total synthesis of several complex natural products, including biosynthetic pathways.
Sponsored by NanoQAM
Johanna Blacquiere, Western University, Canada
Jenny Yang, University of California – Irvine, USA
Sponsored by: ACS Publications
Award lectures:
Deryn Fogg, University of Ottawa, Canada – 2020 CSC Rio Tinto Award recipient
Mark Stradiotto, Dalhousie University, Canada – 2021 CSC Rio Tinto Award recipient
Laura Turculet, Dalhousie University, Canada – 2021 CSC Strem Chemicals Award for Pure & Applied Inorganic Chemistry recipient
Invited Speakers:
Deryn Fogg, University of Ottawa, Canada
Karen Goldberg, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Neil Strotman, Merck Process, USA
Jeff Warren, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Kensha Clark, University of Memphis, USA
Ruth Webster, University of Bath, UK
Demyan Prokopchuk, Rutgers University, USA
Miles Johnson, University of Richmond, USA
Nadia Leonard, University of California – Irvine, USA
The use of catalytic reactions in the fine chemicals and pharmaceutical industries is a compelling means of avoiding undesirable stoichiometric by-products or to abbreviate synthetic routes. However, the advantages of transition-metal catalysts are overshadowed by high catalyst loadings that lead to prohibitive material costs or that demand extensive product purification steps. Thus, an ideal catalyst would operate with fast rates and with very high turnover numbers. Surprisingly, a focus on high catalyst efficiency is only an emerging concern with the catalysis field. This symposium will highlight powerful ligand design strategies that target high catalyst lifetimes or that avoid catalyst decomposition pathways. Presenters will represent specific sub-areas within catalysis (i.e. C-H functionalization, dehydrogenation, C-C/C-E bond formation, oxidation, etc.), but the conceptual approaches will have general implications to many types of transformations. Therefore, it is anticipated that the symposium will attract submitted abstracts and audiences from a breadth of research areas.
Cross-listed with Chemistry for Sustainability.
Tomislav Friščić, McGill University, Canada
Evelina Colacino Université de Montpellier, France
James D. Batteas, Texas A&M University, USA
Over the past 5 years chemical transformations by mechanical agitation of solids, for example by milling, grinding, shearing and scratching, have emerged from a laboratory curiosity to a viable alternative to conventional solution-based transformations. Such mechanochemical and tribochemical reactions on one hand avoid bulk solvents, in that way offering a significantly more environmentally-friendly environment for synthesis. At the same time, these non-conventional reaction environments provide access to molecular targets that have previously been deemed inaccesible, enable efficient materials screening and discovery, and make possible chemical transformations that have previously not been reported. Despite such advances, the mechanistic understanding of mechano- and tribochemical reactions remains poorly developed and has only recently begun to unravel with the application of sophisticated real-time monitoring experiments. This symposium will bring together experts and novices in these rapidly emerging fields, to discuss their experiences and discoveries across a range of aplications, including pharmaceutical materials, medicinal mechanochemistry, metal-organic framework chemistry, as well as organic, organometallic, inorganic and supramolecular synthesis. The aim of the symposium is to bring together a dynamic community of researchers in academia and industry, and establish a firmer understanding of mechanically-induced chemical reactions by seeking similarities and differences in mechanochemistry and tribochemistry. Consequently, the symposium should be of interest to researchers in tribo- and mechanochemistry, as well as physical chemistry, a range of synthesis areas (including supramolecular), organic and metal-organic materials science, and physical chemistry.
Cross-listed with Chemistry for Energy, and Chemistry for Health.
Simon Rondeau-Gagné, University of Windsor, Canada
Tricia B. Carmichael, University of Windsor, Canada
Sponsored by: FOM Technologies
Award lectures:
Tim Kelly, University of Saskatchewan, Canada – 2020 CSC Canadian Journal of Chemistry best paper award recipient
Invited speakers:
Christine Luscombe, University of Washington, USA
Helen Tran, University of Toronto, Canada
Benoit Lessard, University of Ottawa, Canada
Malika Jeffries-El, Boston University, USA
Ghada Koleilat, Dalhousie University, Canada
Xiaodan Gu, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Anastasia Elias, University of Alberta
Organic electronics involves materials that are inherently easy to tailor, both electrically and mechanically, to enable functionalities previously unimaginable for conventional electronics. This bourgeoning field unites chemists, materials scientists, physicists, and engineers together in a multidisciplinary research towards the development of the next generation of optoelectronic devices. With a myriad of potential applications ranging from healthcare to energy conversion, new electronic devices with innovative properties and high performance are constantly being developed. This symposium will cover all key aspects of organic electronics to give a comprehensive view of the field from materials and fundamental physics to devices and applications.
Alex Adronov, McMaster University, Canada
Jean-Francois Morin, Université Laval, Canada
Invited speakers:
Zachary Hudson, University of British Columbia, Canada
Ian Manners, University of Victoria, Canada
Rachel O’Reilly, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Zhenan Bao, Stanford University, USA
Takuzo Aida, University of Tokyo, Japan
Bert Meijer, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
This symposium will focus on recent developments in polymer chemistry as it pertains to the role of polymers in directing the self-assembly of nanoparticles into advanced functional nanostructures. There are many examples of such assemblies involving block copolymers, nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, and conjugated polymers that have led to numerous very interesting advances in the fundamental understanding of crystallization as well as key technological advances such as the purification and application of carbon nanotubes, solubilization of quantum dots, and preparation of nanocomposites. This proposed symposium will bring together international leaders in supramolecular polymer chemistry and will highlight a diverse array of topics in this general area.
Sergei Noskov, University of Calgary, Canada
Lei Shi, National Institute of Health, USA
Award lecture:
Giuseppe Melacini, Mcmaster University, Canada – 2020 CSC Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Lectureship Award recipient
Invited Speakers:
Colleen Clancy, UC Davis, USA
Ratmir Derda, University of Alberta, Canada
Sara Liin, Linkoping University, Sweden
Justin MacCallum, University of Calgary, Canada
Alexander MacKerell, University of Maryland, USA
Benoit Roux, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Yibing Shan, D.E. Shaw Research, USA
Jana Selent, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Sarah Raucher, University of Toronto, Canada
Thomas Stockner, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Lingle Wang, Schrodinger Inc, USA
This symposium will provide a platform to discuss recent developments in simulation and single-molecule experimental techniques in studies of drug binding to protein receptors, allosteric regulation and, more broadly, up-to-date methods development in the field of biomolecular simulations and its applications to better our understanding of relevant drug targets. This would entail efforts made in the field ranging from applications of cutting-edge Molecular Dynamics simulations including developments in polarizable force-fields, to modern free energy protocols in energy surface mapping, to machine learning algorithms aiming to deconvolute processes ranging from reaction networks to chemical toxicology and, finally, to Markov state models and biomolecular dynamics.
Paul Ayers, McMaster University, Canada
Tucker Carrington, Queen’s University, Canada
The structure and spectra of molecules, the equilibria/rates of chemical reactions, etc. can all be determined by solving the Schroedinger equation. However, accurate solutions of the Schroedinger equation can only be computed for molecules/reactions with few electrons and nuclei. New approaches for solving the Schroedinger equation that push the frontiers of accuracy and system size are therefore essential for extending the range of problems that can be treated. Much recent progress has been made, separately, by chemists studying the electronic structure problem and quantum dynamics, but these groups tend to work in isolation, even though they use similar strategies. Our goal is to bring the communities together, focussing on tensor and sparse-grid approaches.
Mark Taylor, University of Toronto, Canada
Invited Speakers:
Karine Auclair, McGill University, Canada
Todd Hyster, Cornell University, USA
Jean-Philip Lumb, McGill University, Canada
Scott Miller, Yale University, USA
Marc Poirier, Merck Research Laboratories, USA
Alison Wendlandt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Selective activation of a specific site in a multifunctional substrate is a major challenge in modern organic synthesis. Catalysis provides a potentially general solution to this problem, as exemplified by the high levels of site-selectivity evident in many enzyme-catalyzed transformations. The development of synthetic catalysts for site-selective activation has revealed new fundamental insight and has created unprecedented opportunities for exploring structure–property relationships in complex molecules. The CSC/IUPAC symposium will highlight recent progress in this area, which draws upon developments in transition metal, main group and organocatalysis, as well as supramolecular chemistry and molecular recognition.
Cross-listed with Chemistry for Energy and Chemistry for Health.
Matteo Duca, Quebec Centre for Advanced Materials (QCAM), Université de Montréal, Canada
Gilles Guichard, Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie, France
Dongling Ma, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique – Énergie, Matériaux, Télécommunications, Canada
Diego Mantovani, Laboratory for Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Université Laval, Canada
Aline Rougier, Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée, France
Sponsored by: Rheolution, The Quebec Centre for Advanced Materials (QCAM)
Inspired by intense transatlantic affinities, complementary and successful exchanges and interactions, this symposium will present research on designing and developing advanced functional materials from two excellence hubs in this field ( and The symposium will focus on two overarching themes: 1) energy and sustainability; 2) health and biomedical applications. Emphasis will fall on understanding how the chemical underpinnings can pave the way for the design of tailored functional materials.
The richly diverse organizing committee brings together considerable expertise: peptide chemistry and self-assembled materials (Guichard); nanomaterials for energy and environmental remediation (such as photocatalytic degradation of pollutants) (Ma); functional biomaterials for reparative and regenerative medicine (Mantovani); chromogenic materials, and devices and materials for renewable energy (Rougier). Abstracts will be solicited from researchers working at Quebec and Nouvelle Aquitaine institutions, as well as international leaders in these fields interacting (or willing to develop interactions) with Canadian/French partners. Keynote invited speakers will open each half-day session, which will follow a common thread linking talks from both themes. This holistic approach will foster cross-fertilisation and encourage new collaborations. Thus, the symposium will take on a broader significance and its unique angle will enhance the scope of the whole IUPAC-CCCE conference.