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The IUPAC General Assembly (GA) is the occasion for meetings of the statutory bodies of the Union, specifically of the Council, Bureau, Division Committees, and Standing Committees. The 51st IUPAC General Assembly will be held virtually August 9 – 1 5, 2021, and includes a separate opening session on August 5, 2021 exclusively for Council.

General Assembly Schedule (All times in Montreal time - ET)

Each session should practically start 15 minutes before the stated time and also end with a 15 minutes social quarter.
Unless specified, meeting are open to observers.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Contact : Lynn Soby (

The Council is the highest governance body of the Union. Among its functions, the Council should elect the Officers of the Union and the Elected Members of the Bureau, discuss and determine the general policy of the Union, and determine the place and dates of the following World Chemistry Congresses and General Assemblies. The Council meeting is reserved for the Delegates appointed by each National Adhering Organization and others required to be present. This year, the Council will meet over four sessions, including a brief opening on Thursday August 5th, followed by three consecutive plenary sessions, one on Friday August 13rd, one on Saturday August 14th, and the third on Sunday August 15th, each three hours long.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Chair: Zoltán Mester (  

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13h-13h15 social

Chair: Leah McEwen (

16h-16h15 social

Chair: Lars Ohström ( restricted

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Chair: Jan Apotheker (  

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10h-10h15 social

Chair: Anna Makarova (

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13h-13h15 social

Chair: Alan Hutton (
18h-18h15 social

The annual Committee Meeting of Division VIII will have an agenda that covers all of the standard items for report and/or discussion, with the exception of reporting on Division Projects. This is because the Division runs or takes part in excess of 34 IUPAC Projects, and because of the time constraints the intention is to have a separate meeting to report on these in advance of the Division Committee Meeting, which will, however, have an item in which the main points of interest from the Projects meeting are summarized for the information of Observers. Other items on the agenda will include short reports from InChI, JCBN and CPCDS, and formalization of interactions between Division VIII and other bodies relevant to chemical nomenclature. There will be an opportunity to discuss future Division Projects and activities and how to proceed with them, as well as consideration of the proposals for a new governance structure for the Union. Membership matters will include the status of the current and future Committees, confirmation of Division VIII representatives on various other IUPAC Committees, and consideration of the Emeritus Fellows Programme. A final item on publicity will include discussion on the IUPAC website and the Division’s webpage and contact form.

Learn more.  

Friday, August 13, 2021

Contact: Lynn Soby (

The Council is the highest governance body of the Union. Among its functions, the Council should elect the Officers of the Union and the Elected Members of the Bureau, discuss and determine the general policy of the Union, and determine the place and dates of the following World Chemistry Congresses and General Assemblies. The Council meeting is reserved for the Delegates appointed by each National Adhering Organization and others required to be present. This year, the Council will meet over four sessions, including a brief opening on Thursday August 5th, followed by three consecutive plenary sessions, one on Friday August 13rd, one on Saturday August 14th, and the third on Sunday August 15th, each three hours long.

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Chair: Leah McEwen (

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Chair: Jan Reedijk (


Chair: Javier Garcia-Martinez (


Contact: Lynn Soby (

The Council is the highest governance body of the Union. Among its functions, the Council should elect the Officers of the Union and the Elected Members of the Bureau, discuss and determine the general policy of the Union, and determine the place and dates of the following World Chemistry Congresses and General Assemblies. The Council meeting is reserved for the Delegates appointed by each National Adhering Organization and others required to be present. This year, the Council will meet over four sessions, including a brief opening on Thursday August 5th, followed by three consecutive plenary sessions, one on Friday August 13rd, one on Saturday August 14th, and the third on Sunday August 15th, each three hours long.

Learn more

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Contact: Lynn Soby <>

The Council is the highest governance body of the Union. Among its functions, the Council should elect the Officers of the Union and the Elected Members of the Bureau, discuss and determine the general policy of the Union, and determine the place and dates of the following World Chemistry Congresses and General Assemblies. The Council meeting is reserved for the Delegates appointed by each National Adhering Organization and others required to be present. This year, the Council will meet over four sessions, including a brief opening on Thursday August 5th, followed by three consecutive plenary sessions, one on Friday August 13rd, one on Saturday August 14th, and the third on Sunday August 15th, each three hours long.

Learn more