Diversity and Innovation: From Academia to Industry and Beyond
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
New Methods to Access sp³ Carbon Rich Isosteres for the development of Small Molecule Drug Discovery Programs
The Industry Program has been generously sponsored by NuChem, Gilead, and the ACS Division of Small Chemical Businessess (SCHB) at CCCE 2022.
Symposium in collaboration with the Organic and Biological and Medicinal Chemistry divisions
James Mousseau, Halda Therapeutics
Olivier Soueidan, NuChem Sciences
Marc Janes, NuChem Sciences
Invited Speakers
Sophie Rousseaux, University of Toronto
Kevin Brown, Indiana University
Corey Stephenson, University of Michigan
Jonathan Hughes, Merck
Dan Schmitt, Pfizer
The Industry Program has been generously sponsored by NuChem, Gilead, and the ACS Division of Small Chemical Businessess (SCHB) at CCCE 2022.
Marc Janes, NuChem Sciences
Kazim Agha, Ridout & Maybee LLP
Invited Speakers
Morgan Lehtinen, Micellotech and Queen’s University
Beatriz Molero Sanchez, SeeO2Energy
Carla Spina, Exciton Pharma Corp.
Joshua Pottel, Molecular Forecaster
Korey Conroy, Ernst & Young LLP
Matt Norwood, Ridout & Maybee LLP
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Join professionals from the Diversity and Innovation: From Academia to Industry and Beyond symposium (industry program), the CSC President’s Event, Stories of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and the Professional Development Program to network at this mixer. Please pre-register for this event.
The industry mixer will be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm MT in Collab (TELUS 111).