Empower the Next Generation of Leaders
Meet and Greet – Industry x Early Career Talent
Invest in our meet and greet happy hour where attendees and industry leaders can kick-back into an evening of casual and meaningful networking. Your organization will be at the forefront of this event.
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"The DuPont Logo is a trademarks of DuPont de Nemours, Inc., or its affiliates."
Student Professional Development Workshops
Resume, interview skills, introductory emails, industrially relevant skills, and more! These workshops will give our attendees a professional edge! Let your brand star at the forefront of these professional workshops.
Sponsored by:
"The DuPont Logo is a trademarks of DuPont de Nemours, Inc., or its affiliates."
Culture of Lab Safety Panel Discussion
Allow your organization to be the Lab Health and Safety champion of CSC 2023! This panel discussion will facilitate important steps-forward in creating a healthier and saferwork environment.
Undergraduate 3-min Flash Presentations
Mastering the art of brevity in a captivating yet informative presentation is a skill most undergrads have little opportunity to practice. By sponsoring this event, your brand will represent the gold standard of scientific communication.