Sponsored jointly by the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering and the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME).

This award recognizes contributions in the field of heat transfer, including design, research, manufacturing and teaching. The award derives from the sale of the Proceedings from the Sixth International Heat Transfer Conference. The contributions must have been made in Canada, with preference being given to Canadians presently active in Canada.
View the Terms of Reference and list of Past Winners.

The 2024 winner of the Jules Stachiewicz Medal is:
Petr A. Nikrityuk
University of Alberta
Petr A. Nikrityuk is a Full Professor at the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, the University of Alberta (UofA), Canada. Professor Nikrityuk’s research and teaching areas are computational heat and mass transfer in multi-phase systems referring to chemical and materials engineering with specializations in the heat and energy storage (energy to chemical — E2C) technologies, high temperature conversion of solid carbonaceous materials (gasification) and electromagnetic control of solidification processes.
Professor Nikrityuk teaches undergraduate and graduate courses for Heat Transfer and Computational Methods in Engineering. Dr. Nikrityuk has co-authored over 120 publications in peer-reviewed archival journals, one book and several World and German patents. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientist of Alberta (APEGA). He holds two Undergraduate Teaching Awards from the University of Alberta, Faculty of Engineering. Professor Petr A. Nikrityuk is PI of several Discovery Grants sponsored by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Canada and many industrially and NSERC co-sponsored projects.