Sponsored by The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

The Lectureship Award is presented to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who has made an outstanding contribution to chemical engineering, demonstrating exceptional promise, while working in Canada. Eligible candidates must have held their first professional appointment in Canada as an independent researcher in academia, government, or industry for seven years or less at the time of nomination submission.
View the Terms of Reference and list of Past Winners
The 2024 winner of the Lectureship Award is:
Mohammad Arjmand, MCIC
University of British Columbia
Dr. Arjmand is recognized as a leading and award-winning researcher in the field of nanotechnology and polymer engineering. He is an Assistant Professor and the Lead of the Plastic Recycling Research Cluster (PRRC) at the University of British Columbia (UBC). During his tenure at UBC (since July 2018), Dr. Arjmand has successfully secured approximately $13.5 million research grants, enabling him to establish the Nanomaterials and Polymer Nanocomposites Laboratory (NPNL). During his academic career, Dr. Arjmand has been honored with numerous awards and recognitions, such as Emerging Materials Chemistry Investigator from Canadian Society of Chemistry (CSC) (2024), Killam Faculty Research Prize at UBC (2023), Canadian Society of Chemical Engineering (CSChE) Innovation Award (2022), Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Young Investigator Award from American Chemical Society (2022), Polymer Processing Society (PPS) Early Career Award (2021), and Canada Research Chair in Advanced Materials and Polymer Engineering (2019). Dr. Arjmand’s main research focus is on the synthesis and engineering of multifunctional nanomaterials (carbon nanotube, graphene, metal-organic framework, covalent-organic framework and MXene) and the development of their polymer nanocomposites and assemblies with enhanced physical properties, i.e., electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic shielding, sensing, wastewater treatment, mechanical, thermal, tribological, and corrosion resistance.
Past Winners
Sohrab Zendehboudi, MCIC
Benoit H. Lessard, MCIC
Nashaat N. Nassar, MCIC
Gisele Azimi, MCIC
Arun Ramachandran
Thomas A. Adams II
Alison McGuigan
Hongbo Zeng