Sponsored by the CSC Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Division, University of Toronto, Department of Chemistry and Xerox Canada

University of Toronto Department of Chemistry

The John C. Polanyi Award is presented for excellence by a scientist carrying out research in Canada in physical, theoretical or computational chemistry or chemical physics.

View the Terms of Reference and list of Past Winners

The 2025 winner of the John C. Polanyi Award is:

David Bryce, MCIC
University of Ottawa
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David L. Bryce (Ph.D. 2002, Dalhousie University; PDF 2003-04, NIDDK/NIH) is Full Professor and University Research Chair in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at the University of Ottawa. He is also the past Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), and an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.  His current research interests include solid-state NMR of low-frequency quadrupolar nuclei, NMR studies of materials, NMR crystallography, halogen bonding, mechanochemistry, and quantum chemical interpretation of NMR interaction tensors.  He is the author of approximately 200 scientific publications and two books. His group has authored NMR software products downloaded hundreds of times in 25 countries.  He is the Editor-in-Chief of Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Section Editor (Magnetic Resonance and Molecular Spectroscopy) for the Canadian Journal of Chemistry. From 2006-2020, he served as the Chair of Canada’s National Ultrahigh-Field NMR Facility for Solids. He is a winner of the Gerhard Herzberg Award of the Canadian Association of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy.  He was co-chair of the 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR) conference and of the 2022 Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance Solid-State NMR Symposium.


Past Winners


Yunjie Xu

University of Alberta
Society: CSC

Alán Aspuru-Guzik, MCIC

University of Toronto
Society: CSC

Patanjali Kambhampati, MCIC

McGill University
Society: CSC

Zuo-Guang Ye, MCIC

Simon Fraser University
Society: CSC

Edward R. Grant, MCIC

The University of British Columbia
Society: CSC

Wolfgang Jäger

University of Alberta
Society: CSC

Albert Stolow

University of Ottawa and National Research Council Canada
Society: CSC

Josef W. Zwanziger

Dalhousie University
Society: CSC

Federico Rosei

Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Université du Québec
Society: CSC

Terrance McMahon

University of Waterloo
Society: CSC

Tucker Carrington, FCIC

Queen's University
Society: CSC

Ronald P. Steer, FCIC

University of Saskatchewan
Society: CSC